Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Nine Sustainable Innovations set to Improve our Futures

As the battle on climate change increases, more and more overwhelming statistics and foreboding scientific data fill our feeds. Feeling despondent to it all is an understandable side effect.

However, on the flip side of potential environmental catastrophe lies the innovation that could bring it, and therefore us, back from the brink. Here are 9 sustainable innovations in food waste, ocean pollution, water-scarcity and plastic manufacture set to shape our lives and improve our futures.

Cleaning up our oceanic act of unkindness

It is estimated that close on 13 tons of plastic pollution is dumped into our oceans each year, causing harm to not only our own health, but that of marine biodiversity too. These ocean-geared innovations are combatting the plastic soup.

1.    Boat-fixed turbines collect plastic en-route

By far the biggest portion of plastic waste is dumped in rivers. A young Ecuadorian innovator, Inty Grønneberg, has designed turbines capable of filtering and collecting plastic waste before it ends up in the ocean. Installed on any boat, they are able to collect up to 80 tons of plastic during navigation. His innovation is focused on not requiring new infrastructure and vessels but rather to make the most use of as many existing boats as possible.

2.    Bins for emptying ocean trash

Surfers, Andrew Turton and Pete Ceglinski invented the Seabin, submersible bins with fitted pumps capable of sifting the water and trapping the floating pollutants like plastic, detergent and oil. The bins only need to be emptied once per month.

Food industry transformations through AI and intelligent plants

Half the world’s food harvest is wasted due to fruit and veg being so susceptible to pathogens. Take into consideration the greatly reduced pollinating powers of our declining bee population and you could see where, without innovative thinking like this, we would be facing an increased severity of food shortages and waste.

1.    Droid bees doing the heavy lifting pollination

Researchers at the University of Warsaw have created robotic bees, or B-Droids, who could help in boosting the bee population by taking up the tasks of low-nutritional and high-labour pollinating. Their concept is a managing platform and ‘swarm’ of autonomous and semi-autonomous robotic bees, who could identify crops and pollinate them effectively.

2.    Blockchain eliminating food waste

Part of IBM’s research arm, ‘5 in 5 innovations’, works on 5 AI technologies that can be implemented in the next 5 years. One of these innovations calls for a future where blockchain, AI and IoT devices work together to eliminate the costly wastage and losses in the food supply chain. By collecting and sharing this data within the grocery supply chain, planting, ordering and shipment can be calculated to exact quantities, resulting in reduced waste and fresher food for the consumer.

3.    Plant-based preservative cuts out cold storage

Demetra, founded by Italian start-up Green Code, is a 100% plant-based preservative that not only improves the shelf life of fresh produce but could also eliminate cold-storage during transit, thereby simultaneously saving on energy.

Intelligent plastics made from waste and wasteful emissions

Scientists estimate that there may be around 5.25 trillion macro and microplastic floating in the vast oceans. While arising technologies that sifon out this harmful plastic solve one half of the problem, other innovators are creating better plastics that will prevent it from occurring again in the future.

1.    Bio-plastic from the humble avo-pip

Mexican chemical engineer, Scott Munguia, has engineered a plastic from a biopolymer he’s discovered inside the pip of an avocado. The single use cutlery made from his bioplastic biodegrades in 240 days. Most notably, this bioplastic is not only manufactured from a previously discarded food item - an estimated 300,000 tons are discarded annually in Mexico alone, but also not manufactured from a food source crop like corn, cassava or sugarcane.

2.    Greenhouse gases become profitable plastics

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology makes it possible for carbon to be captured and compressed at the source, where it can then be moved to storage. While this technology can significantly reduce green-house gasses, it is now also being used profitably to make products.

AirCarbon is a verified carbon-negative material that can be used to manufacture everyday products that would have otherwise used fossil fuels and oil, by combining the sequestered carbon with oxygen. The entire manufacturing process is carbon negative.

Water-wiser engineering

30-40% of the world will face water scarcity by 2020. As a climate-change exacerbated reality, 1.8 billion people will live in regions of water scarcity by 2025. This not only affects fresh drinking water but the ability to grow food. This innovative thinking could help.

1.    Growing plants in the desert

The Groasis Waterboxx makes growing crops in an intelligent plant device that germinates, incubates and waters saplings possible. It also has a 90% less water requirement than traditional methods.

2.    Drinking water from clouds

For coastal and mountainous areas with less access to clean drinking water, a 3D mesh innovated by CloudFisher can convert the fog into safe drinking water while withstanding winds of 120 kmp/h. The design is an improved-upon innovation on the first fog collectors installed in Eritrea in 2007.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Leading the Way in Sustainable Fashion

Clothes are an everyday necessity and for many a central part of self-expression and creativity. Fashion, however, is a dirty business. The current fast-paced production of clothes is incredibly resource intensive, wasteful, exploitative and pollution-heavy.

According to the United Nations “the fashion industry, including the production of all clothes which people wear, contributes to around 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions due to its long supply chains and energy intensive production. The industry consumes more energy than the aviation and shipping industry combined.”

Besides the emissions associated with today’s fashion industry, every item of clothing comes with a cost - both environmental and social.

According to the documentary film River Blue, one fashion brand will use over 28 trillion gallons of water every year. In addition to the actual use of precious drinking water, clothing manufacturers are dumping toxic chemicals into nearby rivers which are killing off animal life, contaminating water and sky-rocketing occurrences of death and disease in affected people.

People are also affected in the way of workers exploitation. Garment workers are forced with unsafe working conditions and being paid far below a living wage.

But there is hope. The Fashion Transparency Index reports that there’s been a “280% rise in tier-one supplier transparency from fashion brands since 2016.”

We are seeing greater pressure and demand to transform the fashion industry to be ethical and sustainable whilst incredibly innovative and exciting transformations are already afoot.

Here are just five examples of trailblazers in the sustainable fashion space.

The Ellen MacArthur Foundation - Promoting a shift to circular economy

In 2010, Dame Ellen McArtur launched the foundation to promote a paradigm shift towards a circular economy, particularly in the fashion industry. The circular economy looks at moving away from the current linear model of our economy which is to take-make-dispose. Circular economy transcends our current extractive industrial model by “gradually decoupling economic activity from the consumption of finite resources, and designing waste out of the system.”

Circular economy is underpinned by a transition to renewable energy sources and building rather than depleting natural and social capital. It is based on three principles:
     Design out waste and pollution
     Keep products and materials in use
     Regenerate natural systems

Fashion Universities Europe

Fashion Revolution - Ending exploitation and ecological damage caused by fashion

Fashion Revolution is a group of “designers, academics, writers, business leaders, policymakers, brands, retailers, marketers, producers, makers, workers and fashion lovers” who aim to “unite people and organisations to work together towards radically changing the way our clothes are sourced, produced and consumed, so that our clothing is made in a safe, clean and fair way.”

Fashion revolution hosts a number of online and offline events all over the world, including the annual Fashion Revolution Week which put pressure on brands to reveal #whomademyclothes.

The organisation has released a manifesto with ten principles to which the fashion industry should uphold itself and are engaging with top fashion brands through their transparency index.

Sustainable Fashion

Patagonia - Subscribing to activism as a modern clothing brand

As far as large clothing brands leading the way on sustainable fashion practices go, Patagoina comes out top. Patagonia proudly markets themselves as an “activist company” and attempts to transparently prove why they deserve that name. Patagonia actively practices responsible resource management whilst promoting longer-use and better care of their products in order to reduce consumerist impact.

The company transparently communicates their journey to improve their supply chain and reduce their carbon footprint whilst even taking part in direct action and activism. Their central focus is on the lives of their workers. Considering the current environmental crisis we face currently, we need more companies to take an active stand like Patagonia has.

Fashion Management Education

Kye Shimizu - Using technology and tradition to decrease fashion waste

According to Sustainable living platform Twyg Mag, “Kye Shimizu is not a fashion designer, but his Algorithmic Couture project has created a new convention for fashion,” using code to eliminate waste and make fashion sustainable.”

Kye is the co-founder of Synflux, a Tokyo-based research collective that focuses on design research and fashion design. Together with is co-founders Yusuke Fujihira, Kotaro Sano, and Kazuya Kawasaki, they developed a system which has taken the concept of traditional Japanese straight-line pattern cutting and combined it with technology,

The Algorithmic Couture project:
     captures body measurements and data of a customer,
     then creates a 2D zero waste digital patterns using straight lines;
     outfits are designed using these straight line patterns in collaboration with a designer;
     the customer is able to customize color and fabric type;
     outfit is made to fit the consumer whilst avoiding fabric waste.

sustainable luxury

Forum for the Future - Open source information for the future of fashion

In partnership with the Centre for Sustainable Fashion at the London College of Fashion and with support from C&A Foundation, Forum for the Future has launched Fashion Futures 2030, “an open-source learning toolkit to help fashion businesses plan for future scenarios with sustainability in mind.”

The toolkit uses four vivid scenarios which explore topics such as:
-          climate change
-          resource shortages
-          population growth
-          And other factors that will shape the world of 2030 and the future of the fashion industry.

Fashion Management

The next 10 years are going to be some of the most important in the entire human history. All individuals, governments and industry will have to make widespread unprecedented changes if we are to avoid climate catastrophe and further devastating biodiversity loss. Embracing sustainable and ethical fashion practices is one of the most important ways of doing this.
Do you want to make a difference to the fashion industry?
Sumas offers a range of sustainable fashion courses and degrees:
Contact us on info@sumas.ch to find out more.

Propellers Of Sustainability Education

Sustainability education is the new need of the hour. The political and the business leaders of the world have come to realize that only a sustainable course of development can be encouraged in the current global scenario which gives rise to the popular demand of sustainable schools all over the world.

Political Impetus – It can be aid that the political impetus is received from the global environmental awareness that indicates at a fast and an unfortunate end of the human race if better care of the environment is not taken. This is where the political leaders are encouraging the growth of sustainability education in the top business schools in Switzerland and the other parts of the world.

Business Leaders Encouragement – The business houses of the current times are yet again under tremendous pressure to make their business processes as environment friendly as possible. This is why they are looking for candidates who have good knowledge into the domain of sustainability. This is why at the time of recruitment these companies are looking for candidates who have a minimum of sustainability courses online certification. This indicates at their better suitability for the job.

These online Masters Programs in Switzerland are some of the best initiatives that have been taken in the recent times to provide a better protection to the world environment as a whole.

Online Masters Programs Switzerland